Update on the direction of Project
Presentation of mock up survey and solutions to focus on
Project Supervisor (Sunitha), Hyorim, Tricia, Roxana, Anna, Shalyn, Mandel, Walter
Meeting at F309
Meeting Summary
The team updated Sunitha, Project Supervisor of their previous meeting discussions which included the need for a survey, they then proceeded to deliver the mock up survey and was given feedbacks including how the team is going to go about creating a survey with 2 directions (for those who have been to Kampong Gelam and for those who haven't) and to include questions specific to social media in order to observe social media habits of target audiences.
This then led to a discussion of what should be the focus for the solution of the project and the general contents that will work for such solution. The rough idea in mind was to leverage on the food heritage of the area.
These were the following actions that the team has decided to undertake before the next meeting:
The delivery of the survey (timeframe wise)
Doing a SWOT analysis of Kampong Gelam
If there is a need for liaison contact of One Kampong Glam (OKG)