Film Production Briefing with Social Media Team
Content list, Q&A with Iqa
Hyorim, Tricia, Roxana, Shalyn, Mandel and Iqa (Videographer)
Meeting Summary
The Social Media Team first meeting with Iqa who would be the Videographer and Editor for the project. Iqa is an external hire who would be in charge of filming and editing video content for the Project Rediscover 2022 TikTok account. During the briefing, the team gave her an introduction and project brief into what she would be contributing to the project. The team talked about the video style, direction and what they had hope to achieve. The meeting ended off with a short Q&A session with Iqa with mostly regarding about schedules, transportation and timeline.
During the briefing, Iqa had brought up about having contingency plans in case of rainy weathers. While the team had yet to prepare for that scenario, the team decided to create a timetable and schedule of the filming process in detailed to be discussed with her in the following days.
It was mostly a first time for the team to be part of the filming process as they mostly had no prior experience. It was quite refreshing for the team as having a professional like Iqa meant that she could teach them and guide them through the technical process of managing a shoot.